
These surpluses were dealt with by quotas in 1984, “stabilizers” in 1989, and a switch to direct payments rather than price supports in the 1992 MacSharry reforms. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name these massive surpluses created by Common Agricultural Policy subsidies starting in the late 1970s. You may give any of the three most common terms, which are all two-word English phrases.
ANSWER: butter mountains OR milk lakes OR wine lakes
[10m] Denmark’s groups of this type had their own “butter mountain” in the 1950s, leading Arla to deploy “Karoline Girls.” José María Arizmendiarrieta founded a Basque network of these groups in Mondragón.
ANSWER: cooperatives [or co-ops; prompt on corporations]
[10e] A century before their “butter panic,” Norway included milk and cheese in one of these programs called the “Oslo breakfast.” Margaret Thatcher earned the nickname “Milksnatcher” for cuts to these programs.
ANSWER: school meal programs [accept answers indicating school food, lunches, or breakfasts; prompt on meal, food, lunch, or breakfast programs]
<JB, European History>

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