
Answer the following about the relationship between Indigenous people and astronomical observatories, for 10 points each.
[10h] The Tohono O’odham (“tuh-HO-no AW-tum”) Nation successfully prevented their land from being the site of VERITAS, which primarily observes this object. In the northwest of this object, its Rayleigh–Taylor fingers are more prominent and its [O III] (“oh three”) “skin” is absent.
ANSWER: Crab Nebula [accept Messier 1, M1, New General Catalogue 1952, NGC 1952, or Taurus A]
[10e] The construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope on this mountain is being resisted by the Kānaka Maoli, who are indigenous to Hawai’i.
ANSWER: Mauna Kea [or Mauna a Wākea]
[10m] In recognition of the Mapuche people, the four Unit Telescopes of this instrument are named Antü, Küyen, Melipal, and Yepun. More than one paper is published per day using data from this optical telescope, which is the flagship facility of the European Southern Observatory.
ANSWER: VLT [or Very Large Telescope] (Antü, Küyen, Melipal, and Yepun are the Mapudungun words for the Sun, the Moon, the Southern Cross, and Venus, respectively.)
<ES, Other Science (Astronomy)>

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