
An artist with the surname Boggs who gave himself the moniker “Just Some Guy” made a career out of selling hand-drawn, multicolored paintings resembling this stuff. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this stuff burned in 1994 by a duo called the K Foundation, who maintained a 23-year vow of silence about their motivations. Andy Warhol first used silk-screen printing in a series of paintings depicting this stuff.
ANSWER: money [accept equivalents like cash; accept dollars or pounds; accept bills; accept a million quid; reject “paper”]
[10h] This artist wore a skirt of dollar bills and Timberland boots in “ATM Piece.” This self-proclaimed “Friendliest Black Artist in America,” who affixed a capital letter to his surname, made a series of grueling “crawls” across New York.
ANSWER: Pope.L (“pope L”) [or Pope L; or William Pope.L; accept William Pope; prompt on L]
[10e] In 2004, Banksy printed one million pounds’ worth of a fake tenner that depicts this woman. This woman wore a silk-and-lace wedding gown with a 25-foot train and an all-black “revenge dress.”
ANSWER: Princess Diana [or Diana, Princess of Wales; or Lady Diana Spencer; or Diana Frances Spencer] (The bill is punningly called the “Di-Faced Tenner.”)
<AP, Other Arts>

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