
This book argues that its main character divided society into elite “Franklins” who were resented by the striving middle-class “Orthogonians.” For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this book by Rick Perlstein that analyzes the “fracturing of America” during the 1960s through the rise of the title politician.
ANSWER: Nixonland [or Nixonland: The Rise of a President and the Fracturing of America]
[10h] This historian labeled Nixon “the last liberal” in his book Nixon Agonistes. He wrote “the gun is our Moloch. We sacrifice children to him daily” after Sandy Hook, quipped that “one does not bear arms against a rabbit,” and won the Pulitzer Prize for Lincoln at Gettysburg.
ANSWER: Garry Wills
[10e] A Joe McGinniss book documents Roger Ailes’s role in creating these works for Nixon in 1968. Lee Atwater masterminded the use of Willie Horton in an infamously racist one of these works.
ANSWER: television ads [or television commercials; or advertisements; accept attack ads; prompt on PR campaigns; prompt on television media or TV; prompt on The Selling of the President 1968]
<JM, American History>

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