
This character uses the Raincoats’ cover of “Lola” to illustrate how cover songs can provide the “simple pleasures of drag.” For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this character, a shapeshifter who loves punk and grunge rock. He includes artists like Bikini Kill on a mixtape he makes for the lesbian Diane.
ANSWER: Paul Polydoris [or Paul Polydoris; accept Polly]
[10m] Paul “takes the form of a mortal” one of these people in a novel by Andrea Lawlor. This sort of person “is a half-formed thing” according to the title of a dark stream-of-consciousness novel by Eimear McBride (“EE-murr McBride”).
ANSWER: girls [accept Paul Takes the Form of a Mortal Girl or A Girl is a Half-Formed Thing; reject synonyms]
[10e] The line “Let me tell you about when I was a girl, our grandfather says” opens this author’s retelling of the Iphis and Ianthe myth, Girl Meets Boy. This Scottish author revisited themes of genderfluidity in How to Be Both and Summer, part of her seasonal quartet.
ANSWER: Ali Smith
<JK, British Literature>

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