
A theologian of this denomination advocated communal “shade-tree theology” in books like My Faith as an African. For 10 points each:
[10e] What denomination uses the term “inculturation,” instead of “contextual theology,” in its African churches? This denomination of Ghana’s Peter Turkson is the largest in Cameroon and the DRC.
ANSWER: Roman Catholic Church [or Catholicism] (The theologian in the first sentence is Jean-Marc Ela.)
[10m] The Catholic Legio Maria sect theorizes that one of these statements depicts a Black Christ. One of these statements describes an angel with a flaming sword and was released in 2000, 83 years after its initial recording.
ANSWER: three secrets of Fátima [accept third secret of Fátima; accept revelations, prophecies, visions, or messages in place of “secrets”; prompt on words of Our Lady of Fátima]
[10h] Another syncretic Catholic movement among Uganda’s Luo peoples, the Holy Spirit Movement, was founded by a woman with this first name with guidance from spirits like “Wrong Element.” An unrelated prophet with this first name founded the Lumpa Church in Zambia.
ANSWER: Alice [accept Alice Auma, Alice Lakwena, or Alice Lenshina]
<JB, Religion>

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2024 Chicago Open07/28/2024Y110.000%100%0%