
Answer the following about parallels between Balkan and Caribbean religious practice, for 10 points each.
[10e] Sicanje (“SEET-sahn-yeh”) is a form of this practice done by Catholic Croat women, while Caribbean Hindu women born before the 1960s had it performed as godna. A more temporary form of this practice is done at “henna parties.”
ANSWER: tattooing [or body art; or dyeing, decorating, or painting skin]
[10h] Men possessed by Saint Constantine perform this action near a konaki icon shelf in a Balkan ritual called Nestinarstvo or Anastenaria. In Trinidad, Tamil devotees of Draupadi perform this action in the tīmiti festival.
ANSWER: fire-walking [or fire-dancing; accept descriptions of walking on hot embers, coals, or flames; prompt on dancing or walking]
[10m] South Slavs hold a procession the day before Palm Sunday on the “Saturday” named for this man, who names “little” Greek sweet breads. You may also name the orisha syncretized with him, a lord of disease whose namesake Santería church in Hialeah won a Supreme Court case.
ANSWER: Lazarus OR Babalú-Ayé [accept Lazarice, Lazarákia, or Lazarus Saturday; accept Church of the Lukumi Babalu Aye v. City of Hialeah]
<JB, Religion>

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