
This book became Bob Dylan’s “second Bible” after he joined the Vineyard movement. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this book that details the Soviet invasion of Israel and the revival of the Roman Empire under the Antichrist, among other endtime prophecies. It was the bestselling “nonfiction” book of the 1970s in the US.
ANSWER: The Late Great Planet Earth
[10e] In The Late Great Planet Earth, Hal Lindsey dates the Second Coming to 40 years after the founding of Israel using Jesus’s parable about one of these trees. In Genesis 3:7, the leaves of these trees are sewn into waist-belts.
ANSWER: fig trees [or ficus carica; accept te’ená or sykēn]
[10m] Lindsey’s work exemplifies this premillenarianist theological framework popular among US evangelicals, which is named after the eras in which God fulfills his covenant in different ways.
ANSWER: dispensationalism [or dispensationalists; accept dispensations]
<BHSU, Religion>

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