
Despite gay marriage still not being legal there at the time, this artist’s home country released a series of wildly popular stamps paying homage to his art in 2014. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this artist who was inspired by Marlon Brando’s biker look in The Wild One to create illustrations of muscular men in leather and jeans, such as the pin-up character Kake (“KAH-keh”).
ANSWER: Tom of Finland [or Touko Laaksonen; prompt on Tom]
[10e] This photographer, who encouraged Tom of Finland to exhibit in mainstream art galleries, drew on Tom’s imagery for his own series of male nude photographs exhibited in the controversial ’90s expo The Perfect Moment.
ANSWER: Robert Mapplethorpe [or Robert Michael Mapplethorpe]
[10m] One of these concepts titles a Taschen book on Tom that features essays by John Waters and Camille Paglia. Four of these concepts title a book in which Bruce Mau and Rem Koolhaas documented OMA’s design principles.
ANSWER: standard sizes [or sizing systems; accept dimensions; prompt on S, M, L, XL, or XXL; prompt on small, medium, large, extra-large, or extra-extra-large; prompt on Tom of Finland XXL; prompt on S,M,L,XL]
<AP, Other Arts>

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