
This character and the narrator vehemently disagree over whether the funeral hymn sung by a group of peasants is “discordant” or “sweet.” The fictional introduction to a 2019 edition claims that this character was inspired by Veronika Hausle’s letters about Marcia Maren. This character claims to have once dreamt of hiding under a bed in an unfamiliar room, paralleling the narrator’s childhood vision of a young girl slipping into her nursery. In this character’s first appearance, she (*) faints in her carriage after it crashes into a lime tree. This character kills General Spielsdorf’s niece (10[1])Bertha. Dr. Hesselius’s notes provide the frame story for a book titled for this character, in which she saps Laura’s strength at a castle in Styria and uses obvious aliases like Millarca and Mircalla. For 10 points, a Sheridan Le Fanu novella is titled for what lesbian vampire? ■END■

ANSWER: Carmilla [or Carmilla Karnstein; accept Millarca Karnstein or Mircalla Karnstein until read] (The 2019 edition was edited by Carmen Maria Machado, whose name is an anagram of “Marcia Maren.”)
<CM, British Literature>
= Average correct buzz position


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
John LawrenceBHSU BLMM's LLM MLM9310


TournamentEditionExact Match?TUHConv. %Power %Neg %Average Buzz
2024 Chicago Open07/28/2024Y1100%0%0%93.00