
With Tim Shallice, this person developed a theory of executive function in which “trigger base data” and “contention scheduling” are overseen by a “supervisory attentional system.” David Krakauer built on a phrase coined by this person, contrasting an abacus and a calculator to distinguish complementary and competitive “cognitive artifacts.” With Hutchins and Hollan, this scholar theorized that “gulfs of execution and evaluation” interrupt seven stages of action. A popular-press book by this scholar described (*) turn signals as “the facial expressions of automobiles.” (10[1])This scholar repurposed a term coined by James J. (10[1])Gibson to describe (10[1])how the appearance of an item delimits “what actions are possible.” (10[1])In a book with a teapot on its cover, this scholar (10[2])used confusing doors (-5[1])to explain “affordances.” (10[1])For 10 points, name this scholar who founded user-centered design with his book The Design of Everyday (10[1])Things. ■END■ (0[6])

ANSWER: Don Norman [or Donald Arthur Norman]
<MJ, Social Science>
= Average correct buzz position



TournamentEditionExact Match?TUHConv. %Power %Neg %Average Buzz
2024 Chicago Open07/28/2024Y1267%0%8%107.13