
Description acceptable. Twenty-seven theses on this dispute by Vasily Bolotov coined a distinction between dogma, theologoumena (“thee-oh-lo-GOO-men-uh”), and mere opinion. Edward Siecienski’s (“set-CHEN-skee’s”) book on this dispute argues that the “Letter to Marinus” is the best hope for resolving it, which was the goal of the Klingenthal Memorandum. The parties in this dispute offer differing interpretations of John 15:26’s (“chapter 15 verse 26’s”) use of the verb ekporeuesthai (“ek-por-YOO-ess-thigh”). Mark of Ephesus’s opposition to compromise on this theological dispute made him one of the three Pillars of Orthodoxy after the Council of (*) Ferrara-Florence. A position in this dispute was attacked in the Mystagogy of the Holy Spirit during the Photian Schism. One side of this dispute holds that no hypostatic property is shared by only two of the three persons in the Trinity and argues for a “monarchy” of (-5[1])the Father. (10[1]-5[1])For 10 points, name this dispute that began after anti-Arian Latin churches added a word meaning “and the Son” (10[2])to (10[1])the Nicene Creed. (10[1])■END■ (10[6]0[2])

ANSWER: Filioque (“fill-ee-OH-kway”) controversy [accept Filioquism or anti-Filioquism; accept answers indicating the question of whether the Holy Spirit proceeds from both the Father and the Son; reject answers that use the words “proceeds through”; prompt on the East–West schism; prompt on answers about reuniting the Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church]
<AK, Religion>
= Average correct buzz position



TournamentEditionExact Match?TUHConv. %Power %Neg %Average Buzz
2024 Chicago Open07/28/2024Y1292%0%17%153.45