
Description acceptable. After being harassed by members of this movement, the Shepherds of Good Hope soup kitchen received nearly a million dollars in donations. This movement’s misappropriation of the “Every Child Matters” slogan on Orange Shirt Day was condemned by Phyllis Webstad. This movement, like Wexit and some non-French Yellow Vest protests, was organized by Maverick (15[1])Party leader (15[2])Tamara Lich. (15[1])In May 2024, Pat King (15[1])stood trial for his role in this movement, which was countered with the gay cowboy anthem “Ram (15[1])Ranch.” (15[1])This movement prompted the first-ever (*) invocation (10[1])of the Emergencies (10[1])Act, (10[1])allowing the freezing of its leaders’ bank accounts. This movement began (10[1])with (10[1])demonstrations on Parliament Hill in response to its nation’s COVID vaccine border mandates. (10[1])For 10 points, Justin Trudeau quashed what 2022 series of protest blockades by disgruntled teamsters? ■END■

ANSWER: Freedom Convoy protests [or Canada trucker protests; or Canada convoy protests; prompt on answers mentioning drivers or teamsters until “teamsters” is read; prompt on COVID-19 protests until “COVID” is read; prompt on anti-vaccination movement, anti-vax movement, or anti-lockdown movement]
<JM, Modern World>
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