
This leader developed a precursor of non-alignment called “negative equilibrium.” A plot against this leader was encouraged by Ann Lambton, backed by the Rashidian brothers’ gangs, and signaled by the phrase “It is now exactly midnight.” An action spearheaded by this leader aimed in part to relieve workers in a shanty town called “Paper City.” This notoriously weepy leader lay in bed wearing pink pajamas during negotiations with (15[1])Averell Harriman that helped make him (-5[1])(*) Time’s Man of the Year for 1951. (10[1])This leader of the National (-5[1])Front came to power after General Razmara (10[1])was assassinated for opposing his campaign against the “Seven Sisters” cartel. Kermit Roosevelt led Operation Ajax (10[2])to depose (10[3])this ally (10[1])of the Tudeh Party, (10[1])ending the Royal Navy’s blockade of his port of Abadan. For 10 points, name this prime minister of Iran who nationalized the Anglo-Iranian (10[1])Oil Company. ■END■ (10[1])

ANSWER: Mohammed Mossadegh [or Mohammed Mossadeq; or Mohammed Mossadiq]
<JB, World History>
= Average correct buzz position