
Description acceptable. This regime sent truckloads of red-shirted thugs to throw rocks at an opposition party’s HQ in the 27 July incident. The exposure of this regime’s purchase of a fleet of dilapidated East German warships led this regime to ban magazines like Editor and Tempo. A crony of this regime, the “plywood king” Bob Hasan, led its negotiations with the fraudulent Canadian gold mining firm Bre-X. (15[1])The fall of this regime (15[1])ended a “dual function” system that gave the (*) ABRI an inside track to civil service positions. (10[2])During the riots that brought down this regime, (10[1])its “business pillar,” the Salim Group conglomerate, was used to justify the burning of thousands of ethnic Chinese businesses. This regime was opposed by (10[1])Megawati’s PDI (10[1])and (10[1])followed by B. (10[1])J. (10[1])Habibie’s Reformasi after falling during the Asian financial crisis. For 10 points, name this (10[1])32-year dictatorship (10[1])in Indonesia. ■END■ (10[1]0[1])

ANSWER: New Order [or descriptions of Suharto’s rule in Indonesia; or Orde Baru; or Orba; accept Soeharto in place of “Suharto”; prompt on Indonesian dictatorship or Indonesia by asking “under whose rule?”]
<JB, World History>
= Average correct buzz position