
This artist’s adoption of the Eckankar (“ECK-un-kar”) faith inspired his use of copper, yellow, and turquoise as “healing” colors. This artist showed figures in red robes “shaking the tent” in a work painted on birchbark. A documentary about this artist suggests that teenager Scott Dove may have been murdered by drug dealer Gary Lamont. Kevin Hearn sued the Maslak McLeod (“mik-CLOUD”) Gallery after learning that he bought a forged work attributed to this artist, as seen in the Jamie Kastner film There Are No Fakes. In 2024, works attributed to this artist (-5[1])were removed by (*) McGill University due to revelations that child labor had produced thousands (-5[1])of forgeries. This artist established a style of painting espoused by Carl Ray and Daphne Odjig. A member of the Midewiwin (“mih-DAY-wuh-win”) society gave the name Copper Thunderbird to this leading (10[1])member of the “Indian Group of Seven.” (10[1]-5[1])For 10 points, name this founder of the Woodlands style (10[1])of painting. ■END■ (0[10])

ANSWER: Norval Morrisseau [accept Copper Thunderbird until read] (Kevin Hearn is a member of Barenaked Ladies.)
<JG, Painting and Sculpture>
= Average correct buzz position



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2024 Chicago Open07/28/2024Y1127%0%27%141.00