
Jarrod Shanahan’s history of this place profiles the “welfarism” of former garment worker Anna Kross. A quilt by Jesse Krimes visualizes a 10-year deadline for this place that Jacques Jiha further delayed in 2024. In this place, members of the COBA union oversee the use of “the bing.” Until 2023, the main alternative to this place was a massive barge called the Vernon C. Bain Centre. An article by Jennifer Gonnerman drew attention to the case of a man who took his own life after (15[1])spending three years in this place as a teenager, (*) Kalief Browder. A 2014 report by Preet Bharara attacked the “culture of violence” at this place, whose sole access point is the Francis R. Buono bridge. This place has an average daily population of around 10,000 people, most of whom have not been charged. For 10 points, name this infamously hellish jail, the largest in New York City, which is located on an East River island. ■END■

ANSWER: Rikers Island Jail
<MB, Modern World>
= Average correct buzz position


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Tejas RajeBHSU BLMM's LLM MLM8415


TournamentEditionExact Match?TUHConv. %Power %Neg %Average Buzz
2024 Chicago Open07/28/2024Y1100%100%0%84.00