
New Morse Code premiered a piece for cello and flower pots by a composer with this surname inspired by Boris Kerner’s traffic theory and based on a line taken from T. S. Eliot’s “Four Quartets.” A man with this surname who admired Elgar once called A German Requiem “ponderously dull” (15[1])and “purposely vulgarized music criticism” under the nom de plume “Corno di Bassetto.” (15[3])An a cappella piece by a composer with this surname uses katajjaq (15[1])in the Courante (15[1])and (15[1])repeats the chant “the detail (15[1])of the pattern is movement” (15[1])in the (*) Allemande. (10[1])An author with this surname interpreted the Ring Cycle as a Marxist allegory in The Perfect Wagnerite. A (10[1])musician with this surname led his “Gramercy Five” and recorded a hit version of Cole Porter’s “Begin the Beguine” (“beg-EEN”). A young member of the octet Roomful of Teeth with this surname won the 2013 Pulitzer Prize for Music. For 10 points, big band clarinetist Artie shared (10[1])what surname with the composer of Partita for 8 Voices? ■END■

ANSWER: Shaw [accept Caroline Adelaide Shaw, George Bernard Shaw, Artie Shaw, or Arthur Arshawsky]
<OL, Classical Music and Opera>
= Average correct buzz position