
Parisi and Sourlas used the BRST formalism and this property to carry out a dimensional reduction in disordered systems in a paper titled for “Random Magnetic Fields, [this property], and Negative Dimensions.” The energy spectra of two Hamiltonians are equal in systems with a shape-invariant potential and this property. Some models with this property construct an operator Q equal to “a-dagger b” called this property’s namesake charge, so that “Q Q-dagger” and “Q-dagger Q” are (*) partner Hamiltonians. Lie (“lee”) algebras named for this property are Z2 graded. (10[1])Models with this (10[1])property are characterized by their number of generators “N,” such as the N-equals-one Wess–Zumino model and an (-5[1])N-equals-4 (10[1])extension of the Yang–Mills model. (10[1]-5[1])Pierre Fayet (“fa-YAY”) proposed (10[1])a theory with this property to solve the hierarchy problem. For 10 points, name this property (10[1])of extensions of the Standard Model (-5[1])that propose (10[1])partner bosons with (10[1])names preceded by an “s.” ■END■ (10[3])

ANSWER: supersymmetry [or supersymmetric or SUSY; accept Parisi–Sourlas supersymmetry; accept supersymmetric quantum mechanics; accept superalgebras; accept supersymmetric Yang–Mills; accept supersymmetric standard model]
<IC/DC, Physics>
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