
In a story, a woman is unnerved by her ability to manipulate one of these things belonging to Sgt. Derek Zeiger, causing him to forget seeing the red wire that led to his friend’s death. Beverly uses a controversial therapy to change one of these things in Karen Russell’s “The New Veterans.” A man keeps seeing one of these things, as well as his shoes on fire under a burning tree, while trying to sleep on a mission cot after surviving a tractor accident. A man who goes by the (*) initials “O.E.” looks at a picture of one of these things and sees a pair of “still, straight, all-demanding” eyes in a “flat, stern, Byzantine” face. A set of these things created by a time-traveling woman appears in the frame story of a collection (10[1]-5[1])that includes “The Long Rain.” (10[3])For 10 points, (10[2])what images (10[2])central to Flannery (10[1])O’Connor’s story “Parker’s Back” (10[1])also appear (10[1])on Ray (10[1])Bradbury’s “Illustrated Man”? ■END■ (10[1])

ANSWER: tattoos [prompt on pictures, images, or synonyms; prompt on eyes or faces; prompt on answers like flashbacks or memories by asking “what is the physical representation of that memory?”]
<JK, American Literature>
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