
Answer the following about South Africans of Huguenot descent, for 10 points each.
[10e] The so-called “Black Panther” Fritz Joubert Duquesne (“doo-KANE”), a Boer and German spy, once attempted to assassinate this officer. Hit recruitment posters depicted this British officer pointing at the viewer above the text “wants you.”
ANSWER: Lord Kitchener [or Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener; or Horatio Herbert Kitchener]
[10m] An anti-apartheid RAF ace with this Huguenot surname was nicknamed “Sailor.” My Traitor’s Heart details the author’s family relation to a National Party prime minister of this surname who presided over the start of apartheid.
ANSWER: Malan [accept Sailor Malan, Adolph Gysbert Malan, D. F. Malan, Daniël François Malan, or Rian Malan]
[10h] This Afrikaner white supremacist leader of Huguenot descent was hacked to death on his farm in 2010, possibly as revenge for his role as co-founder of the AWB, or Afrikaner Resistance Movement.
ANSWER: Eugène Terre’Blanche (“tur-BLONSH”) [or Eugène Ney Terre’Blanche]
<AP, World History>

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