11Literature - World Literature1215.83drums(Part 2)100%Niger River Delta(Part 1)50%Gabriel Okara(Part 3)8%
12Fine Arts - Other Arts1218.33Odile(Part 1)100%Margot Fonteyn(Part 2)58%Alicia Alonso(Part 3)25%
13History - World History1215.00castes(Part 2)100%henequén(Part 1)25%Yaqui Wars(Part 3)25%
14Science - Chemistry1211.67pKa(Part 2)83%Good’s buffers(Part 1)33%morpholine(Part 3)0%
15Literature - American Literature1213.33worms(Part 2)100%the death of a beautiful woman(Part 1)25%“The Oval Portrait(Part 3)8%
16History - American History1214.17Federalist No. 10(Part 1)92%judicial review(Part 2)25%Vernon Louis Parrington(Part 3)25%
17Fine Arts - Classical Music and Opera129.17delay(Part 2)42%Jerry Goldsmith(Part 3)50%San Francisco Tape Music Center(Part 1)0%
18Mythology - Mythology1214.17solar eclipses(Part 2)100%Apollonius of Tyana(Part 1)25%Dionysus’s invasion of India(Part 3)17%
19Science - Biology1210.00C. elegans (Part 2)100%polyphenism(Part 3)0%genetic assimilation(Part 1)0%
110Modern World - Modern World1214.17hearsay(Part 2)100%Mi’kmaq(Part 3)42%Delgamuukw v. British Columbia(Part 1)0%
111History - European History1215.83Barcelona(Part 2)92%Felice Orsini(Part 1)58%Johann Most(Part 3)8%
112Literature - European Literature1211.67Samuel Beckett(Part 3)100%Laurence Sterne(Part 2)17%Berlin Zoo(Part 1)0%
113Science - Physics1112.73second law of thermodynamics(Part 2)100%thermodynamics(Part 1)27%adiabatic accessibility(Part 3)0%
114Fine Arts - Painting and Sculpture1111.82Joshua Reynolds(Part 3)100%Constantin Guys(Part 1)18%grisettes(Part 2)0%
115Social Science - Social Science1113.64Henry Ford(Part 2)100%accumulation of capital(Part 3)36%regulationism(Part 1)0%
116Literature - British Literature1014.00Leda(Part 2)70%William Empson(Part 1)60%October(Part 3)10%
117Religion - Religion710.0019(Part 3)57%Pharaoh(Part 1)14%inimitability(Part 2)29%
118History - Other History313.33Lycurgus of Sparta(Part 2)67%Oeconomicus(Part 3)33%Gortyn(Part 1)33%
119Other Science (Math) - Other Science (Math)220.00category theory(Part 1)100%monoid(Part 3)100%full AND faithful(Part 2)0%
120Philosophy - Philosophy0Parmenides of Elea(Part 2)Gorgias(Part 3)den(Part 1)
21Literature - World Literature1317.69Cuba(Part 2)92%hurricanes(Part 1)69%Niagara Falls(Part 3)15%
22Other Science (Math) - Other Science (Math)1310.00central limit theorem(Part 3)92%empirical(Part 1)0%Glivenko–Cantelli theorem(Part 2)8%
23Social Science - Social Science1317.69lying(Part 1)100%teachers(Part 2)69%John E. Reid(Part 3)8%
24History - Other History1314.62Venus(Part 1)100%star wars(Part 2)46%merchants(Part 3)0%
25Fine Arts - Other Arts1313.85Princess Diana(Part 3)77%money(Part 1)46%Pope.L(Part 2)15%
26Other Academic - Other Academic1310.77degrees of freedom(Part 2)85%bodily motions(Part 1)0%Moravec’s paradox(Part 3)23%
27Literature - British Literature137.69Charles Dickens(Part 1)62%Sam Weller(Part 2)8%Bill Tulkinghorn(Part 3)8%
28History - World History1310.77taxation(Part 2)62%çelebi(Part 3)46%circle of justice(Part 1)0%
29Science - Physics1310.00viscosity(Part 3)31%time-reversal symmetry(Part 2)62%active matter(Part 1)8%
210Religion - Religion1313.85nothingness(Part 2)85%Budai(Part 3)54%ox-herding(Part 1)0%
211Fine Arts - Classical Music and Opera1313.08canticles(Part 1)100%Benjamin Britten(Part 2)31%École Niedermeyer de Paris(Part 3)0%
212History - American History1313.85John Birch Society(Part 2)100%Edwin Walker(Part 3)31%Impeach Earl Warren(Part 1)8%
213Literature - American Literature139.23gray(Part 3)69%James Welch(Part 2)15%Montana(Part 1)8%
214Philosophy - Philosophy1316.92drowning in a shallow pond(Part 3)92%letting die(Part 2)77%Jonathan Glover(Part 1)0%
215Science - Chemistry1311.54linear(Part 2)92%pericyclic reactions(Part 1)23%coarctate reactions(Part 3)0%
216Fine Arts - Painting and Sculpture139.23unicorns(Part 2)85%the Moon(Part 1)8%swans(Part 3)0%
217Literature - European Literature1012.00André Breton(Part 2)80%Inferno(Part 3)20%making the philosopher’s stone(Part 1)20%
218Science - Biology815.00monoclonal antibodies(Part 1)63%folate(Part 3)50%HAT medium(Part 2)38%
219History - European History310.00crusades(Part 1)100%Coloman, King of Hungary(Part 2)0%Crusade of the Faint-Hearted(Part 3)0%
220Modern World - Modern World215.00loneliness(Part 1)100%social(Part 2)50%chain of risk(Part 3)0%
31Other Academic - Other Academic1213.33Wilhelm Ostwald(Part 1)83%Ido(Part 3)25%Machism(Part 2)25%
32History - European History1214.17Eugene of Savoy(Part 2)83%ban(Part 1)58%Swabia(Part 3)0%
33Science - Biology1210.00lignin(Part 3)50%genetic transformation(Part 2)50%Brachypodium distachyon (Part 1)0%
34Literature - World Literature1212.50Pan-Africanism(Part 2)83%Heinemann(Part 3)33%Keorapetse Kgositsile(Part 1)8%
35Fine Arts - Other Arts1218.33NYU(Part 2)100%Gordon Parks(Part 1)83%Haile Gerima (Part 3)0%
36History - American History1216.67Shawnee people(Part 2)100%St. Clair’s defeat(Part 1)50%salt licks(Part 3)17%
37Other Culture - Other Culture1214.17Kodak(Part 2)100%Lenna(Part 1)25%tic-tac-toe(Part 3)17%
38Science - Physics1212.50electron holes(Part 1)92%quantum wells(Part 2)8%quantum cascade laser(Part 3)25%
39Literature - European Literature1220.00Faust legend(Part 1)100%reader-response theory(Part 3)83%In the beginning was the Act(Part 2)17%
310Philosophy - Philosophy1211.67Neoplatonism(Part 3)75%Nicholas of Cusa(Part 1)42%coincidence of opposites(Part 2)0%
311Fine Arts - Painting and Sculpture1215.00Titian(Part 3)100%Giulio Romano(Part 2)17%The Fire in the Borgo(Part 1)33%
312Religion - Religion1217.50fig trees(Part 2)92%dispensationalism(Part 3)58%The Late Great Planet Earth(Part 1)25%
313History - Other History1212.50Caucasus Mountains(Part 3)83%functions(Part 1)25%Kóryos(Part 2)17%
314Science - Chemistry124.17salt bridges(Part 2)33%dielectric constant(Part 3)8%ion pairs(Part 1)0%
315History - World History1215.00banners(Part 2)92%Jonathan D. Spence(Part 3)42%chaste widows(Part 1)17%
316Fine Arts - Classical Music and Opera1110.91England(Part 2)82%Bösendorfer(Part 1)18%Scott Ross(Part 3)9%
317Literature - American Literature813.75judges(Part 2)88%Pynchon(Part 1)38%Henry James(Part 3)13%
318Social Science - Social Science616.67stress(Part 2)67%depersonalization(Part 3)67%Christina Maslach(Part 1)33%
319Literature - British Literature310.00Herod(Part 2)33%overreaching(Part 1)33%figures of speech(Part 3)33%
320Other Science (Computer Science) - Other Science (Computer Science)120.00matrix multiplication(Part 3)100%locality(Part 2)100%cache-oblivious(Part 1)0%
41History - American History1313.08Texas Rangers(Part 1)77%Goliad(Part 3)54%Juan Cortina(Part 2)0%
42Fine Arts - Other Arts1224.17Robert Mapplethorpe(Part 2)100%standard sizes(Part 3)75%Tom of Finland(Part 1)67%
43Geography - Geography1317.69St. Mark’s Square(Part 3)92%Venetian Lagoon(Part 1)69%acqua alta(Part 2)15%
44Other Academic - Other Academic1312.31gaze(Part 2)100%khora(Part 3)23%Bracha L. Ettinger(Part 1)0%
45Literature - British Literature1315.38Abbey Theatre(Part 2)92%Irish(Part 1)46%The Rising of the Moon(Part 3)15%
46Other Science (Math) - Other Science (Math)1313.85Monster group(Part 1)100%Mathieu groups(Part 2)31%Steiner systems(Part 3)8%
47Fine Arts - Painting and Sculpture1310.77paisley(Part 2)62%mango(Part 1)46%ragamala(Part 3)0%
48Literature - American Literature1310.77night(Part 1)85%Preludes(Part 3)23%cinquain(Part 2)0%
49History - European History1315.38FLN(Part 1)100%torture(Part 2)31%Maurice Papon(Part 3)23%
410Science - Biology137.69abscisic acid(Part 2)69%total water potential(Part 1)8%Selaginella(Part 3)0%
411Literature - World Literature1311.54president(Part 2)92%Camara Laye(Part 3)23%beggars(Part 1)0%
412Fine Arts - Classical Music and Opera135.38preludes(Part 2)31%Anton Arensky(Part 1)23%zortziko(Part 3)0%
413History - World History1310.00Akan people(Part 1)69%Elmina Castle(Part 3)31%palaver(Part 2)0%
414Religion - Religion1310.00catacombs(Part 3)85%Vladimir Solovyov(Part 2)8%roses(Part 1)8%
415Philosophy - Philosophy1313.85names(Part 1)100%heaven(Part 3)23%disputation(Part 2)15%
416Science - Chemistry915.56polymerization(Part 2)100%AIBN(Part 3)44%RAFT(Part 1)11%
417Literature - European Literature812.50bourgeoisie(Part 3)88%simplicity(Part 1)38%Havana(Part 2)0%
418History - Other History220.00archaeological sites(Part 1)100%tells(Part 3)100%Kathleen Kenyon(Part 2)0%
419Social Science - Social Science10.00social capital(Part 2)0%intergenerational social mobility(Part 1)0%value-added models(Part 3)0%
420Science - Physics0geodesics(Part 3)Lense–Thirring precession(Part 2)gravitoelectromagnetism(Part 1)
51History - Other History1311.54Wáng Mǎng(Part 2)77%Sichuan(Part 3)39%rhinoceroses(Part 1)0%
52Other Science (Earth Science) - Other Science (Earth Science)133.85graupel(Part 2)31%hailstones(Part 1)8%mixed-phase clouds(Part 3)0%
53Philosophy - Philosophy1316.15Stanford University(Part 3)92%pyramid(Part 2)69%Nancy Cartwright(Part 1)0%
54Literature - British Literature1310.77crucifixion of Jesus(Part 2)92%Taliesin(Part 1)15%Dafydd ap Gwilym(Part 3)0%
55Modern World - Modern World1312.31Doctors Without Borders(Part 3)100%Ituri Province(Part 1)23%Mbuti(Part 2)0%
56History - American History1314.62Detroit(Part 2)100%the Commission(Part 3)39%Purple Gang(Part 1)8%
57Other Science (Astronomy) - Other Science (Astronomy)1311.54Mauna Kea(Part 2)85%VLT(Part 3)31%Crab Nebula(Part 1)0%
58Fine Arts - Classical Music and Opera1313.08ground(Part 3)23%word painting(Part 1)85%King Arthur(Part 2)23%
59Religion - Religion1310.77Chicago(Part 1)77%oṃ maṇi padme hū(Part 2)15%chesed(Part 3)15%
510Literature - World Literature1316.92kabuki(Part 1)92%47 rōnin(Part 2)69%Takarazuka Revue(Part 3)8%
511Fine Arts - Other Arts1314.62Quincy Jones(Part 2)69%Shook Ones, Part II”(Part 1)62%DJ Premier(Part 3)15%
512History - World History1217.50Siberia(Part 2)92%Welser family(Part 1)25%missionary societies(Part 3)58%
513Science - Biology125.00mutagenesis(Part 1)50%alkylation(Part 2)0%gene pyramiding(Part 3)0%
514Literature - American Literature1210.00The New York Review of Books(Part 2)67%granny(Part 3)33%“The Interior Castle(Part 1)0%
515History - European History109.00life(Part 1)40%video nasties(Part 3)30%Mary Whitehouse(Part 2)20%
516Social Science - Social Science1022.00gender(Part 1)90%The Managed Heart(Part 3)80%John Money(Part 2)50%
517Science - Chemistry912.22hapticity(Part 2)89%Wacker process(Part 3)33%acyclic(Part 1)0%
518Fine Arts - Painting and Sculpture417.50Centre Pompidou(Part 2)75%Michael Heizer(Part 1)50%Ilya Kabakov(Part 3)50%
519Literature - European Literature310.00The Unbearable Lightness of Being(Part 2)100%Russian tanks(Part 1)0%Mama(Part 3)0%
520Mythology - Mythology110.00Crete(Part 1)100%Dietrich von Bern(Part 3)0%Lambton Worm(Part 2)0%
61Literature - World Literature1211.67Nahḍa(Part 1)67%Nasreddin Hodja(Part 3)50%maqāma(Part 2)0%
62Fine Arts - Classical Music and Opera1210.00bowing(Part 1)75%John Cage(Part 2)17%Artikulation(Part 3)8%
63Science - Physics1210.83wavenumber(Part 3)67%energy cascade(Part 1)33%enstrophy(Part 2)8%
64Social Science - Social Science1213.33foreign aid(Part 1)92%The End of Poverty(Part 2)25%Dambisa Moyo(Part 3)17%
65Literature - American Literature1214.17William Saroyan(Part 2)83%Gotham(Part 1)58%José Garcia Villa (Part 3)0%
66Mythology - Mythology1115.45the Sun(Part 1)100%Andrew Lang(Part 2)55%disease of language(Part 3)0%
67History - American History1214.17King assassination riots(Part 1)92%housing discrimination(Part 2)50%Glenville shootout(Part 3)0%
68Science - Chemistry1215.00X-ray crystallography(Part 1)100%Protein Data Bank(Part 2)50%clashscore(Part 3)0%
69Fine Arts - Painting and Sculpture1214.17folk(Part 2)58%Watts Towers(Part 3)75%New Museum(Part 1)8%
610History - World History1215.00sugar(Part 3)83%literacy(Part 1)67%Krausism(Part 2)0%
611Literature - British Literature1216.67Oscar Wilde(Part 2)83%Little Lord Fauntleroy(Part 1)50%Tichborne case(Part 3)33%
612Other Science (Engineering) - Other Science (Engineering)1216.67valves(Part 1)92%backflow(Part 2)75%chattering(Part 3)0%
613Geography - Geography1220.00youth(Part 1)100%Jordan(Part 2)92%demographic dividend(Part 3)8%
614History - Other History1217.50journalists(Part 1)92%Ryszard Kapuściński (Part 2)58%Oriana Fallaci(Part 3)25%
615Literature - European Literature1215.83style(Part 2)83%Gaspard de la Nuit(Part 1)50%Francis Ponge(Part 3)25%
616Religion - Religion1212.50 the Great(Part 2)83%(Part 3)33%Way of the Celestial Masters(Part 1)8%
617Fine Arts - Other Arts1115.45Taliesin(Part 2)100%tea ceremony(Part 1)46%Charlotte Perriand (Part 3)9%
618History - European History812.50Confederation of the Rhine(Part 2)88%Jacobin clubs(Part 1)38%muscadins(Part 3)0%
619Science - Biology610.00guanine AND cytosine(Part 2)100%5-prime untranslated region(Part 1)0%43s preinitiation complex(Part 3)0%
620Philosophy - Philosophy220.00China(Part 3)100%Ned Block(Part 2)100%mental paint(Part 1)0%
71History - European History1516.00vegetarianism(Part 1)100%Munich(Part 3)60%Lebensreform(Part 2)0%
72Other Academic - Other Academic1513.33objectivity(Part 1)87%things(Part 3)40%Lorraine Daston(Part 2)7%
73Fine Arts - Painting and Sculpture1520.00socialist realism(Part 2)100%Goddess of Democracy(Part 3)93%Vera Mukhina(Part 1)7%
74Literature - American Literature1512.67walking in beauty(Part 2)93%house made of dawn(Part 1)27%survivance(Part 3)7%
75Social Science - Social Science1515.33The Wretched of the Earth(Part 2)93%decolonization(Part 1)60%Patrick Wolfe(Part 3)0%
76Science - Biology1513.33laboratory mouse(Part 1)100%hallmarks(Part 3)33%GSEA(Part 2)0%
77History - Other History1512.67grammar(Part 1)67%Vandal Kingdom(Part 2)47%Egeria(Part 3)13%
78Fine Arts - Other Arts1513.33saxophone(Part 3)93%Vijay Iyer(Part 2)40%Solo Monk(Part 1)0%
79Other Science (Computer Science) - Other Science (Computer Science)158.67Rust(Part 1)67%mutexes(Part 2)20%condition variables(Part 3)0%
710Literature - World Literature1517.33verso(Part 1)93%erasure poetry(Part 3)80%Door of No Return(Part 2)0%
711Philosophy - Philosophy1514.67Donald Davidson(Part 3)80%Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind(Part 2)53%logical space of reasons(Part 1)13%
712History - World History1514.67Kingdom of Kongo(Part 2)100%Luanda(Part 3)40%Malebo Pool(Part 1)7%
713Fine Arts - Classical Music and Opera1512.67chamber music(Part 2)93%David Popper(Part 1)20%Fantasiestücke(Part 3)13%
714Science - Chemistry1512.00nitriles(Part 1)87%Barry Sharpless(Part 3)33%Chemical Hygiene Plans(Part 2)0%
715Literature - British Literature1510.00Ali Smith(Part 3)67%girls(Part 2)33%Paul Polydoris(Part 1)0%
716Religion - Religion148.57Hausa(Part 2)64%healing possessed people(Part 1)14%Aisha Qandicha(Part 3)7%
717Other Culture - Other Culture147.86The Tonight Show(Part 3)43%folkloristics(Part 2)36%droodles(Part 1)0%
718Literature - European Literature914.44being sent to Siberia(Part 2)89%Poor Folk(Part 3)56%Belinsky’s “Letter to Gogol”(Part 1)0%
719History - American History518.00waving the bloody shirt(Part 3)100%Grand Army of the Republic(Part 1)80%John A. Logan(Part 2)0%
720Science - Physics225.00phase transitions(Part 1)100%Landau theory(Part 3)100%irreducibility(Part 2)50%
81Fine Arts - Painting and Sculpture1514.67Book of Kells(Part 2)100%Insular art(Part 3)47%cumdachs(Part 1)0%
82Literature - World Literature1513.33fans(Part 1)80%peach blossoms(Part 2)40%inns(Part 3)13%
83History - Other History1511.33Chinese-Australian(Part 3)87%Malcolm Turnbull(Part 2)20%Kerry Packer(Part 1)7%
84Science - Chemistry1511.33Fourier transform(Part 3)93%solvent suppression in NMR(Part 2)20%TopSpin(Part 1)0%
85Literature - British Literature1512.00cats(Part 2)73%anchoresses(Part 1)47%Rosemary Tonks(Part 3)0%
86History - American History1510.00beefsteak(Part 1)80%Carl Schurz(Part 2)7%neurasthenia(Part 3)13%
87Science - Biology1517.33Staphylococcus aureus(Part 3)80%Great Plate Count Anomaly(Part 1)67%soil samples(Part 2)27%
88Fine Arts - Classical Music and Opera1510.67Mozart family’s grand tour of Western Europe(Part 2)93%Gottfried van Swieten(Part 1)13%Marianna Martines(Part 3)0%
89Mythology - Mythology1512.67volcanic eruptions(Part 1)87%Country(Part 3)33%digging sticks(Part 2)7%
810Social Science - Social Science1516.67lobbying(Part 3)93%mechanism design(Part 1)53%Bayesian persuasion(Part 2)20%
811History - World History1419.29satyagraha(Part 2)100%princely states(Part 3)71%Vallabhbhai Patel(Part 1)21%
812Literature - American Literature1413.57barbaric yawp(Part 2)100%Adam(Part 3)36%kosmos(Part 1)0%
813Other Science (Math) - Other Science (Math)1413.57duality(Part 3)93%Eduard Čech (Part 2)29%local compactness(Part 1)14%
814Fine Arts - Other Arts1416.43blocking(Part 1)86%weft(Part 2)79%crazy quilts(Part 3)0%
815Philosophy - Philosophy1310.77water(Part 2)92%natural kinds(Part 3)15%temperature(Part 1)0%
816History - European History1314.62Benjamin Franklin(Part 1)85%Helvetica(Part 2)39%Ça ira(Part 3)23%
817Literature - European Literature1116.36The Adventures of Pinocchio(Part 3)100%George Orwell(Part 1)55%Babar the Elephant(Part 2)9%
818Science - Physics620.00magic numbers(Part 2)100%liquid-drop model(Part 3)83%nuclear deformations(Part 1)17%
819Religion - Religion410.00plagues(Part 2)50%Saint Peter AND Saint Paul(Part 3)50%De spectaculis(Part 1)0%
820Modern World - Modern World215.00affluenza(Part 2)100%Amarillo(Part 1)50%Sophie(Part 3)0%
91Other Academic - Other Academic1514.67workers of the world(Part 2)100%seminars of Jacques Lacan(Part 3)20%Is the Rectum a Grave?”(Part 1)27%
92History - European History1514.00school meal programs(Part 3)100%cooperatives(Part 2)40%butter mountains OR milk lakes OR wine lakes(Part 1)0%
93Science - Biology159.33genetic drift(Part 2)73%alcohol dehydrogenase(Part 3)20%dN/dS ratio(Part 1)0%
94Literature - World Literature159.33Punjabi(Part 1)67%Muhammad Iqbal(Part 3)27%Amrita Pritam(Part 2)0%
95Fine Arts - Other Arts159.33Minnelli(Part 3)47%Busby Berkeley(Part 2)47%The Great Ziegfeld(Part 1)0%
96History - American History1512.67Bronzeville(Part 3)80%double(Part 1)40%Leon Sullivan(Part 2)7%
97Geography - Geography1519.33wood(Part 1)87%stave churches(Part 2)87%Kiruna(Part 3)20%
98Science - Physics159.33free energy(Part 2)80%thermodynamic ensembles(Part 3)13%gravothermal catastrophe(Part 1)0%
99Literature - European Literature1510.00Friedrich Hölderlin(Part 2)73%Martin Heidegger’s hut(Part 3)27%talking about trees(Part 1)0%
910Philosophy - Philosophy1516.67cancer(Part 1)93%Jacques Derrida(Part 2)67%Love’s Work(Part 3)7%
911Fine Arts - Painting and Sculpture1515.33totem pole(Part 1)100%canoes(Part 3)53%argillite(Part 2)0%
912Fine Arts - Classical Music and Opera1516.67French horn(Part 2)80%Samuel Coleridge-Taylor(Part 3)67%flute, clarinet, violin, cello, piano(Part 1)20%
913History - Other History1515.33battle-nets(Part 2)93%Ur-(Part 3)40%Victory Stele of Naram-Sin(Part 1)20%
914Science - Chemistry147.14oxygen AND phosphorus(Part 2)43%VX(Part 3)21%acetylcholinesterase(Part 1)7%
915History - World History1416.43Puritans(Part 1)100%palenques(Part 3)64%Providence Island colony(Part 2)0%
916Literature - American Literature1313.08A. E. Housman(Part 3)69%Baltimore, Maryland(Part 2)54%Carl Vogel(Part 1)8%
917Social Science - Social Science109.00elision(Part 2)50%optimality theory(Part 3)40%echo vowel epenthesis(Part 1)0%
918Religion - Religion712.86zakat(Part 2)100%“let there be no compulsion in religion”(Part 1)14%tying a camel(Part 3)14%
919Literature - British Literature412.50Walter Scott(Part 1)100%antiquarian(Part 2)25%Gurth’s collar(Part 3)0%
920Other Science (Math) - Other Science (Math)110.00polynomials(Part 2)100%algebraic varieties(Part 1)0%tropical(Part 3)0%
101Literature - European Literature159.33Apollo(Part 2)60%Sleep AND Death(Part 3)20%Sarpedon’s speech to Glaucus(Part 1)13%
102History - American History1511.33Montréal(Part 1)73%Great Law of Peace(Part 3)33%dishes AND spoons(Part 2)7%
103Social Science - Social Science1518.67smoking cigarettes(Part 3)93%cognitive behavioral therapy(Part 1)93%COM-B System(Part 2)0%
104Science - Biology1511.33stop codons(Part 3)87%LoxP(Part 2)27%yeast genome(Part 1)0%
105Literature - American Literature1510.00pianos(Part 3)67%the territory(Part 1)33%the little man(Part 2)0%
106Fine Arts - Other Arts157.33Billie Holiday AND Lester Young(Part 1)47%Agnes de Mille(Part 2)27%Norman Dello Joio(Part 3)0%
107History - Other History1516.67Amber Road(Part 3)87%beakers(Part 1)73%Nebra sky disc(Part 2)7%
108Religion - Religion1510.67soma(Part 2)87%Agni(Part 1)20%Yajñavalkya(Part 3)0%
109Modern World - Modern World1515.33Malaysia(Part 2)87%Mercosur(Part 3)53%premature deindustrialization(Part 1)13%
1010Other Science (Computer Science) - Other Science (Computer Science)157.33backtracking(Part 3)27%constraint satisfaction problems(Part 1)40%local consistency(Part 2)7%
1011Fine Arts - Painting and Sculpture1511.33dogs(Part 3)93%provoke(Part 2)20%Daidō Moriyama(Part 1)0%
1012Philosophy - Philosophy1414.29tolerance(Part 3)93%Rudolf Carnap(Part 1)50%quantifier variance(Part 2)0%
1013Literature - World Literature1412.14wounds(Part 3)93%screams(Part 1)29%Cairo(Part 2)0%
1014Science - Physics126.67astrophysical jets(Part 2)42%transonic(Part 1)25%Mach disks(Part 3)0%
1015History - European History1213.33Metropolitan Police(Part 2)100%suffragists(Part 1)33%Sophia Duleep Singh(Part 3)0%
1016Literature - British Literature1120.00Jane Eyre(Part 3)100%Grand Central Station(Part 1)82%Virago Press(Part 2)18%
1017Fine Arts - Classical Music and Opera1016.00vibrato(Part 2)80%clavichord(Part 1)60%Friedrich Gulda(Part 3)20%
1018Mythology - Mythology917.78Babylon(Part 2)78%philosophers(Part 1)44%Phyllis riding Aristotle(Part 3)56%
1019Science - Chemistry313.33femtosecond(Part 2)100%electron diffraction(Part 3)0%cyanogen iodide(Part 1)33%
1020History - World History0Lord Kitchener(Part 1)Malan(Part 2)Eugène Terre’Blanche(Part 3)
111Literature - American Literature1516.00free verse(Part 1)87%formal feelings(Part 2)73%When We Dead Awaken: Writing as Re-Vision”(Part 3)0%
112Religion - Religion1512.67Sikhism(Part 1)100%biographies of Guru Nanak(Part 3)27%3HO(Part 2)0%
113History - American History1514.67breeches(Part 1)80%shifts(Part 2)67%Pope Night(Part 3)0%
114Fine Arts - Other Arts159.33Diane Keaton(Part 1)40%paintings(Part 3)47%Girlfriends(Part 2)7%
115Philosophy - Philosophy1510.67University of Chicago(Part 2)73%rhetoric(Part 3)27%Critical Inquiry(Part 1)7%
116Other Science (Astronomy) - Other Science (Astronomy)1514.00SETI(Part 1)100%VLBI(Part 3)20%water hole(Part 2)20%
117Literature - British Literature1512.67weather(Part 3)93%recruiting officers(Part 2)27%“God speed the plough(Part 1)7%
118Science - Biology1512.67platelets(Part 3)87%imatinib(Part 2)27%gastrointestinal stromal tumors(Part 1)13%
119Fine Arts - Painting and Sculpture1516.67astronomers(Part 2)80%clowns(Part 1)87%Maurycy Gottlieb(Part 3)0%
1110History - European History1510.67islands(Part 2)80%Louise(Part 1)20%Büchner family(Part 3)7%
1111Other Academic - Other Academic1511.33great chain of being(Part 2)93%semiotics(Part 3)20%plant blindness(Part 1)0%
1112Social Science - Social Science1412.86frogs(Part 3)100%features(Part 2)29%pandemonium architecture(Part 1)0%
1113History - Other History1216.67tin(Part 1)92%Marcus Licinius Crassus Triumvir(Part 2)67%Veneti(Part 3)8%
1114Literature - European Literature1014.00Anton Chekhov(Part 1)100%Gusev(Part 3)30%stealing horses(Part 2)10%
1115Other Science (Earth Science) - Other Science (Earth Science)109.00manganese nodules(Part 1)50%diagenesis(Part 2)20%Clarion-Clipperton Zone(Part 3)20%
1116Fine Arts - Classical Music and Opera711.43Igor Stravinsky(Part 2)100%Steve Jobs(Part 3)0%Santa Fe, New Mexico(Part 1)14%
1117History - World History615.00Guaraní(Part 3)100%Fructuoso Rivera(Part 2)0%Charrúa(Part 1)50%
1118Literature - World Literature313.33Biswas(Part 2)100%Our Sister Killjoy(Part 3)33%the Intended(Part 1)0%
1119Science - Chemistry120.00Friedel–Crafts reactions(Part 3)100%electron donating groups AND electron withdrawing groups(Part 1)100%push–pull systems(Part 2)0%
1120Other Culture - Other Culture0Redmond(Part 2)traffic(Part 3)MITS(Part 1)
121Fine Arts - Other Arts1518.67Whitney Museum of American Art(Part 1)93%heads(Part 3)60%Sophie Calle(Part 2)33%
122History - World History1513.33conversion to Islam(Part 2)100%ribāṭs(Part 1)13%norias(Part 3)20%
123Mythology - Mythology1512.67childbirth(Part 1)100%backwards feet(Part 3)27%pontianak(Part 2)0%
124Science - Physics1510.67Enrico Fermi(Part 2)80%edge singularities(Part 1)7%X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(Part 3)20%
125Literature - American Literature1518.67Egypt(Part 3)100%hell(Part 1)80%Marriage(Part 2)7%
126History - Other History1518.00Abbie Hoffman(Part 2)73%The Anarchist Cookbook(Part 1)93%Carlos Marighella(Part 3)13%
127Science - Biology158.67Taq polymerase(Part 3)87%filamentous(Part 2)0%PACE(Part 1)0%
128Literature - European Literature1512.67Latin(Part 2)100%speaking in prose(Part 1)20%dormitive virtue(Part 3)7%
129Fine Arts - Painting and Sculpture1510.00silkworm(Part 3)100%Eight Principles of Yong(Part 2)0%Yan Zhenqing(Part 1)0%
1210Geography - Geography1510.67Guadalajara(Part 3)53%marketplaces(Part 1)53%Central de Abasto(Part 2)0%
1211Literature - British Literature1514.00Shuggie Bain(Part 2)80%Kingston, Jamaica(Part 3)60%the council estate in NW(Part 1)0%
1212Other Science (Mixed/Any) - Other Science (Mixed/Any)1512.67protein folding(Part 1)100%Belousov–Zhabotinsky reaction(Part 3)27%dissipative structures(Part 2)0%
1213Religion - Religion1510.67Havdalah(Part 3)33%chai(Part 2)60%Carlebach(Part 1)13%
1214History - European History1518.67The Wealth of Nations(Part 2)100%a nation of shopkeepers(Part 1)73%absent-mindedness(Part 3)13%
1215Literature - World Literature1512.67online(Part 3)87%Taipei(Part 1)40%The Membranes(Part 2)0%
1216Social Science - Social Science1117.27Clifford Geertz(Part 3)100%citizenship(Part 2)73%hanging out(Part 1)0%
1217Fine Arts - Classical Music and Opera916.67singspiel(Part 2)89%fach(Part 1)67%sitzprobe(Part 3)11%
1218Philosophy - Philosophy520.00Edmund Husserl(Part 3)100%Totality and Infinity: An Essay on Exteriority(Part 1)100%good soup(Part 2)0%
1219History - American History215.00television ads(Part 3)100%Nixonland(Part 1)50%Garry Wills(Part 2)0%
1220Science - Chemistry130.00octahedral(Part 1)100%Tanabe–Sugano diagrams(Part 2)100%nephelauxetic effect(Part 3)100%
131Literature - World Literature1514.00Epic of Sundiata(Part 3)100%Bambara(Part 1)33%death of Shaka Zulu(Part 2)7%
132Other Science (Math) - Other Science (Math)1513.33convexity(Part 2)80%Riemann mapping theorem(Part 3)53%Friedrich Hartogs(Part 1)0%
133Philosophy - Philosophy1512.67Gottfried Leibniz(Part 1)87%crooked timber of humanity(Part 3)40%“let us calculate!”(Part 2)0%
134History - World History1516.00anarchism(Part 1)87%1923 Great Kantō earthquake(Part 2)53%Bluestocking(Part 3)20%
135Fine Arts - Painting and Sculpture1512.00perfume bottles(Part 3)60%René Lalique(Part 2)20%hood ornaments(Part 1)40%
136Geography - Geography1516.67Papua New Guinea(Part 1)93%kava(Part 3)60%kastom(Part 2)13%
137Literature - British Literature1514.00having kids(Part 1)100%increase(Part 2)33%the Opies(Part 3)7%
138History - American History1512.67Stono Rebellion(Part 2)100%Town Destroyer(Part 3)27%Catawba(Part 1)0%
139Science - Physics159.33flavors(Part 1)60%octets(Part 2)27%pions(Part 3)7%
1310Religion - Religion1514.00tattooing(Part 1)100%Lazarus OR Babalú-Ayé(Part 3)33%fire-walking(Part 2)7%
1311Fine Arts - Classical Music and Opera1511.33Rhapsody in Blue(Part 2)67%Nikolai Kapustin(Part 1)40%Roland Dyens(Part 3)7%
1312History - European History1516.67orphans(Part 2)73%Felix Dzerzhinsky(Part 1)60%tractors(Part 3)33%
1313Literature - American Literature1514.67origami(Part 1)87%white men(Part 3)27%Rajiv Joseph(Part 2)33%
1314Social Science - Social Science1511.33cuteness(Part 3)100%labeling(Part 1)13%kama muta(Part 2)0%
1315Science - Chemistry156.00basis sets(Part 1)53%primitive functions(Part 3)7%negative effective charge-times-r(Part 2)0%
1316Fine Arts - Other Arts1514.67Germany(Part 1)93%Carl Theodor Dreyer(Part 3)33%Conrad Veidt(Part 2)20%
1317Literature - European Literature1512.00Hebrew(Part 2)80%Jean Paul(Part 3)33%Schopenhauer family(Part 1)7%
1318Science - Biology1412.14mass spectrometry(Part 2)86%t-SNE(Part 3)14%lanthanides(Part 1)21%
1319History - Other History1111.82Brutus AND Cassius(Part 2)55%Cimbrian War(Part 3)36%maiestas(Part 1)27%
1320Other Academic - Other Academic616.67Critique of Pure Reason(Part 3)67%Albania(Part 1)100%Lea Ypi(Part 2)0%
141Fine Arts - Classical Music and Opera159.33Franco-Flemish School(Part 2)47%Hardanger(Part 3)40%Old Hundredth(Part 1)7%
142History - American History1512.00The Population Bomb(Part 3)93%teeth(Part 1)20%Barry Commoner(Part 2)7%
143Other Culture - Other Culture1513.33Alan Lomax(Part 3)53%Steve Albini(Part 1)60%perfecting sound(Part 2)20%
144Other Science (Computer Science) - Other Science (Computer Science)1511.33zero-knowledge proofs(Part 2)73%Ralph C. Merkle(Part 1)40%zk-SNARKs(Part 3)0%
145Literature - British Literature1514.67Scotland(Part 1)100%James Hogg(Part 2)40%Kailyard School(Part 3)7%
146Fine Arts - Other Arts1512.00HBCUs(Part 1)93%majorettes(Part 2)27%J-setting(Part 3)0%
147History - World History1513.33Ham(Part 2)93%Kagame(Part 1)40%accusation in a mirror(Part 3)0%
148Literature - European Literature1514.00Antonin Artaud(Part 2)87%A Midsummer Night’s Dream(Part 1)53%Jean-Claude Carrière(Part 3)0%
149Science - Physics155.33dislocations(Part 2)53%disclinations(Part 1)0%Vito Volterra(Part 3)0%
1410Mythology - Mythology1514.67Pleiades(Part 1)100%one’s future husband(Part 3)33%Artemidorus(Part 2)13%
1411Fine Arts - Painting and Sculpture1514.00boxing(Part 3)100%Romaine Brooks(Part 2)40%Gluck(Part 1)0%
1412History - Other History1512.67Florentine Codex(Part 2)93%monks(Part 3)27%the archive(Part 1)7%
1413Literature - World Literature1517.33Ezra Pound(Part 1)93%Octavio Paz(Part 3)80%the tribe(Part 2)0%
1414Science - Chemistry1511.33radicals(Part 2)100%mixing period(Part 3)0%ENDOR(Part 1)13%
1415Social Science - Social Science158.00human development index(Part 3)47%capability approach(Part 1)33%adaptive preferences(Part 2)0%
1416History - European History148.57Riga(Part 2)79%Virgin Mary(Part 1)0%Saint George’s Night Uprising(Part 3)7%
1417Religion - Religion812.50Plato(Part 2)75%pagan texts(Part 1)50%Anonymous Christianity(Part 3)0%
1418Science - Biology618.33femur(Part 2)100%iliotibial band(Part 1)50%Pacinian corpuscle(Part 3)33%
1419Philosophy - Philosophy220.00subaltern(Part 2)100%Peter Strawson(Part 3)100%square of opposition(Part 1)0%
1420Literature - American Literature220.00Earth(Part 2)100%personal pronouns(Part 3)100%Kalpa Empire(Part 1)0%
151History - European History120.00naturalization(Part 2)100%the Palatinate(Part 1)100%Dido Elizabeth Belle(Part 3)0%
152Fine Arts - Classical Music and Opera130.00Felix Mendelssohn(Part 2)100%Cécile Chaminade(Part 3)100%MacDowell(Part 1)100%
153Literature - World Literature120.00Krishna(Part 1)100%jasmine(Part 3)100%A. K. Ramanujan(Part 2)0%
154Other Science (Math) - Other Science (Math)110.00orthogonality(Part 3)100%wavelets(Part 1)0%Ingrid Daubechies(Part 2)0%
155Religion - Religion110.00Roman Catholic Church(Part 1)0%three secrets of Fátima(Part 2)100%Alice(Part 3)0%
156Science - Physics110.00phase(Part 2)0%Vladimir Arnold(Part 3)100%Yoshiki Kuramoto(Part 1)0%
157History - American History130.00Ellsworth(Part 1)100%zouaves(Part 2)100%seeing the elephant(Part 3)100%
158Literature - British Literature120.00John Henry Newman(Part 2)100%Sarah(Part 1)100%“the one Life(Part 3)0%
159Other Culture - Other Culture120.00crowds(Part 2)100%Bernard Baruch(Part 3)100%Jesse Livermore(Part 1)0%
1510Fine Arts - Painting and Sculpture130.00Augustus(Part 2)100%drinking cups(Part 3)100%Great Cameo of France(Part 1)100%
1511Science - Chemistry130.00hexokinase(Part 3)100%2,3-BPG(Part 2)100%concerted model(Part 1)100%
1512Literature - American Literature120.00Communist Party(Part 2)100%Zora Neale Hurston AND Richard Wright(Part 1)0%June Jordan(Part 3)100%
1513History - World History130.00Vietnam(Part 1)100% Duẩn(Part 3)100%tillers(Part 2)100%
1514Philosophy - Philosophy110.00anthropocene(Part 1)100%reification(Part 2)0%Kōjin Karatani(Part 3)0%
1515Other Academic - Other Academic120.00pinkwashing(Part 3)100%abuse(Part 1)100%gentrification(Part 2)0%
1516Fine Arts - Other Arts120.00mariachi(Part 2)100%Argentina(Part 3)100%Chavela Vargas(Part 1)0%
1517Science - Biology10.00agarose(Part 3)0%lineage tracing(Part 2)0%dextran(Part 1)0%
1518History - Other History120.00lost(Part 1)100%titles of nobility(Part 3)100%home children(Part 2)0%
1519Social Science - Social Science110.00noun classes(Part 2)100%heads(Part 3)0%prefixation(Part 1)0%
1520Literature - European Literature130.00newts(Part 1)100%Catalan(Part 3)100%Robert Benchley(Part 2)100%