
In a classic experiment testing this effect, Drosophila embryos exposed to ether vapors developed a second thorax and after 20 generations those bithorax flies could be bred without ether. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this process by which novel phenotypic responses to extreme conditions become genetically encoded. C. H. Waddington used canalization to explain how this phenomenon produces cross-veinless flies after heat-shock.
ANSWER: genetic assimilation [prompt on genetic accommodation]
[10e] Exposure to harsh conditions can also trigger this species of model nematode to enter a developmental diapause called the dauer stage.
ANSWER: C. elegans [or Caenorhabditis elegans]
[10m] C. elegans’s ability to enter the dauer stage in harsh environments is one example of this discrete biological process. The helmet morph in Daphnia water fleas exposed to predation exemplifies this discontinuous process.
ANSWER: polyphenism [prompt on phenotypic plasticity]
<RH, Biology>

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