
These people’s Bodyguard unit adopted the Indian club as their go-to concealed weapon and trained in a form of ju-jitsu taught by the Garrud family. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name these people who developed the modern letter bomb during an arson campaign inspired by the slogan “deeds, not words.”
ANSWER: suffragists [or suffragettes; accept members of the British women’s suffrage movement; prompt on women or feminists]
[10e] The suffragists began training in “suffrajitsu” after protesters were assaulted by members of this organization on Black Friday. The same year, this organization was equipped with pistols after the Siege of Sidney Street.
ANSWER: Metropolitan Police [or Metropolitan Police Service; or MPS; accept Met Police; accept London Police or Scotland Yard; prompt on police or synonyms like bobbies]
[10h] Militancy was defended by this member of the Women’s Tax Resistance League, who sold The Suffragette newspaper outside her residence at Hampton Court. This activist was the daughter of Bamba Müller and the last maharaja of the Sikh Empire.
ANSWER: Sophia Duleep Singh [or Sophia Duleep Singh; or Princess Sophia Alexandrovna Duleep Singh; prompt on Duleep or Singh]
<JB, European History>

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