
One of these people spent thirty years building a mercury-powered automaton, only for another one of them to smash it to bits while shrieking “Salve! Salve!” For 10 points each:
[10m] What people’s “Dictes” are the subject of a medieval legendarium? One of these people was sewn in a sack and thrown into the Seine for his affair with the queen, and another was stabbed to death with pens.
ANSWER: philosophers [accept theologians, scholastics, or philosophes; accept Dictes and Sayings of the Philosophers or Liber Philosophorum; prompt on answers like thinkers, scholars, academics, teachers, or writers; prompt on priests or friars]
[10e] The philosopher Sydrac meets Boctus, the king of this city, in a popular medieval tale. This city’s entry among the Seven Wonders of the World was supposedly built to console Queen Amytis.
ANSWER: Babylon [or Babel; accept Hanging Gardens of Babylon]
[10h] A 13th-century lai originated this other medieval legend about a philosopher. In this scene exemplifying the “Power of Women” motif, a woman sometimes conflated with Campaspe (“cam-PASS-pee”) embarrasses an old man in a garden.
ANSWER: Phyllis riding Aristotle [accept “Phyllis and Aristotle” or “Aristotle and Phyllis”; accept descriptions of Phyllis sitting on Aristotle’s back; prompt on Phyllis or Aristotle]
<JB, Mythology>

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