
The holder of the title onontio, Governor Callière, signed a treaty in this city that the diplomat Kondiaronk negotiated shortly before dying. For 10 points each:
[10e] Name this city where the Beaver Wars were ended by a 1701 treaty. Jacques Cartier visited the village of Hochelaga (“oash-la-GAH”) on the hill that became the center of this city located on the Saint Lawrence River.
ANSWER: Montréal [accept Great Peace of Montréal]
[10h] The Anishinaabe–Haudenosaunee truce at Montréal is symbolized by a wampum belt named for these two objects. These two objects name a long-standing indigenous principle of shared land use that Joseph Brant invoked to declare war on the colonies.
ANSWER: dishes AND spoons [accept bowls in place of “dishes”; accept “Dish With One Spoon” or “One Dish One Spoon”]
[10m] The “Dish with One Spoon” law is invoked in this oral document, which is often cited as the source of the “seventh generation principle.” Deganawida authored this constitution of the Haudenosaunee.
ANSWER: Great Law of Peace [or Gayanashagowa; or Great Binding Law; prompt on the Great Law]
<JB, American History>

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