
A 2015 paper by Harvard economist Dani Rodrik popularized concerns about this phenomenon. For 10 points each:
[10h] Give this two-word term for a phenomenon in which technological progress and globalization result in countries moving away from or failing to develop manufacturing, harming economic growth.
ANSWER: premature deindustrialization [or word forms; prompt on partial answer; prompt on synonyms like early deindustrialization; prompt on negative deindustrialization]
[10e] This country targeted premature deindustrialization in its NIMP 2030 plan, which aims to grow domestic manufacturing. Jho Low faces prosecution for his role in large-scale embezzlement from this country’s 1MDB fund.
ANSWER: Malaysia
[10m] This trade bloc’s free trade agreement with the EU has been stymied by concerns that it could exacerbate deindustrialization. The reduction of tariffs on this bloc’s exports, like beef and soy, may also drive deforestation in the Yanomami people’s lands.
ANSWER: Mercosur [or Southern Common Market; or Mercosul]
<JK, Modern World>

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