
These places influenced the Confraternity of Belchite (“bel-CHEE-tay”), and thus all European military orders, per a hypothesis promoted by Elena Lourie. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name these forts, not to be confused with qasr or amṣar, that later served as Sufi retreats and caravanserais. They give their name to a modern capital near the Chellah (“shell-ah”) acropolis of the Marīnids.
ANSWER: ribāṭs [or rubuṭ; accept Rabat]
[10e] Ribāṭs spread this process that Richard Bulliet charted on an S-shaped “curve” using onomastics. The Mawlā underwent this process, which was incentivized with the jizya tax.
ANSWER: conversion to Islam [accept descriptions of adopting Islam or becoming a Muslim; accept conversion curve]
[10h] Islamic expansion spread a medieval “Green Revolution,” as seen in the use of this irrigation technology at Albolafia in Spain. Enormous examples of these water-wheels were built on the Orontes River at Hama.
ANSWER: norias [or nā‘ūra; or nawā‘īr]
<JB, World History>

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