
Saint Jerome vowed to never read works with this trait after a dream in which he was hauled before the throne of God and flogged. For 10 points each:
[10m] Give this trait of works whose use was justified with Augustine’s analogy of “Egyptian gold” and Basil the Great’s analogy of bees gathering nectar. The wisdom found in works with this trait was explained with Justin Martyr’s doctrine of logos spermatikos.
ANSWER: pagan texts [accept descriptions of non-Christian or secular literature; accept Roman, Greek, or Ciceronian literature; prompt on philosophical works or synonyms]
[10e] Conveniently, this pagan author appeared to Anastasius of Sinai in a dream to assure him that he’d posthumously converted to Christianity. This so-called “atticizing Moses” wrote the “Myth of Er.”
ANSWER: Plato [or Platon]
[10h] Later theories about “virtuous pagans” like Plato include this doctrine of the Jesuit theologian Karl Rahner. Under this doctrine, Buddhist monks and others who live in the “grace of God” are its namesake type of “Christian.”
ANSWER: Anonymous Christianity [or anonymous Christians]
<JB, Religion>

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