
A historian with this surname was called a “trick cyclist” for manipulating dates in Triumphant Kalinga to match a genealogy called The Source of Wisdom. For 10 points each:
[10m] Give this surname of the Catholic historian Alexis. Conspiracy theories claimed that Yoweri Museveni was planning to create a “Hima Empire” with a leader of the RPF with this surname.
ANSWER: Kagame [accept Alexis Kagame or Paul Kagame]
[10e] Alexis Kagame promoted a racist theory that identified the Tutsi as an ethnic group named for this man. Churches in Ethiopia and America sometimes justified slavery by citing the “curse” of this Biblical man.
ANSWER: Ham [accept Hamitic theory or curse of Ham]
[10h] Claims that the Tutsi were Hamitic “Black Khmers” exemplify this strategy. Give the four-word English or three-word French name for this strategy named in a Hutu propaganda document found by Alison Des Forges, in which genocidal plans are imputed to a group targeted for genocide.
ANSWER: accusation in a mirror [or accusation en miroir]
<JB, World History>

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