
Coexisting coherent and incoherent states, later termed “Chimera states,” were discovered in a 2002 paper by this physicist and Battogtokh. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this physicist, the namesake of a model in which oscillators are coupled by an interaction proportional to “sine of theta i minus theta j” in order to model synchronization.
ANSWER: Yoshiki Kuramoto
[10e] The coherent state in the Kuramoto model corresponds to a state where this variable is “locked.” For a resonant harmonic oscillator, the difference between the values of this cyclic variable for the displacement and forcing is pi-over-2 radians.
ANSWER: phase [accept phase-locking; accept phase difference]
[10m] Regions in parameter space where phase-locking occurs may be denoted by this mathematician’s namesake “tongues.” A theorem regarding integrable systems is named for this mathematician, Kolmogorov, and Moser.
ANSWER: Vladimir Arnold [accept Arnold tongues]
<DC, Physics>

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