
An author with this first name critiqued Tractarianism in Dialogues on Regeneration and the Kantian essay “On Rationalism,” which was appended to Aids to Reflection. For 10 points each:
[10m] Give this first name of an author who defended her father from charges of plagiarizing Schelling in his Biographia Literaria. Her mother and her father’s long-term love interest also had this first name.
ANSWER: Sarah [accept Sara Coleridge, Sarah Fricker, or Sara Hutchinson; prompt on Asra by asking “what was her real name?”]
[10e] Sara Coleridge recounted a dream where she debated this theologian, a frequent foil in her writings. “O weary Champion of the Cross, lie still” opens Christina Rossetti’s elegy for this author of Apologia Pro Vita Sua.
ANSWER: John Henry Newman [or Cardinal Newman]
[10h] Coleridge offered a Christian interpretation of the pantheism of her father’s “Eolian Harp,” which uses this two-word phrase for the ultimate reality “within us and abroad” that “meets all motion and becomes its soul.”
ANSWER: “the one Life
<JK, British Literature>

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