
A 13th-century Old Galician collection of these pieces dedicated to the Virgin Mary is unusually attributed to the King of Castile, Alfonso X (“the tenth”). For 10 points each:
[10e] The Magnificat hymn is what kind of little religious song not taken from Psalms? In 1224, St. Francis praised “Brother Fire” in one that inspired a cello work by Sofia Gubaidulina (“goo-bye-DOO-lin-uh”) titled for one “of the Sun.”
ANSWER: canticles [or cántigas; accept Canticle of the Sun or Cántigas de Santa María or Canticles of St. Mary]
[10m] This composer’s five Canticles span his late career. He created the semi-operatic genre of “church parable” in The Burning Fiery Furnace, The Prodigal Son, and Curlew River, based on Japanese noh, with librettist William Plomer.
ANSWER: Benjamin Britten
[10h] Fauré’s young short choral work Cantique de Jean Racine won first prize at this church-music boarding school where Saint-Saëns taught André Messager. This school’s Swiss namesake took over the defunct École Choron after ending his collaboration with Rossini to revive Renaissance music in Paris.
ANSWER: École Niedermeyer de Paris [or Niedermeyer School; accept Louis Niedermeyer]
<EF/OL, Classical Music and Opera>

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