
In one technique, production of these molecules begins with the fusion of antigen-exposed B-cells to HGPRT negative, immortal myeloma cells. For 10 points each:
[10e] Name these molecules that are collected and “humanized” prior to therapeutic use. These molecules are produced from identical clones of a single parent cell.
ANSWER: monoclonal antibodies [or mAbs; prompt on antibodies or immunoglobulins]
[10h] During monoclonal antibody production, hybridoma cells are cultured in this three-component selection medium that blocks DNA de novo synthesis to restrict the growth of unfused cells.
ANSWER: HAT medium [or hypoxanthine-aminopterin-thymidine medium]
[10m] The aminopterin in HAT medium disrupts DNA synthesis by blocking the reductase activity of an enzyme that acts on this metabolite. That enzyme, which is targeted by the chemotherapy drug methotrexate, converts this compound’s less active “di-hydro” form into its more active “tetra-hydro” form.
ANSWER: folate [or folic acid or vitamin B9 or folacin; accept dihydrofolate reductase or tetrahydrofolate; prompt on DHFR or THF]
<RH, Biology>

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