
In this painting, an old man wearing a Santa-hat-like cap is carried to safety in a scene inspired by Aeneas bearing Anchises away from Troy. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this fresco depicting an episode from the Liber Pontificalis centering on Pope Leo IV, who is seen on a balcony in the background.
ANSWER: The Fire in the Borgo [or L’Incendio di Borgo]
[10m] Sydney Freedberg attributed The Fire in the Borgo to this student of Raphael. The Fall of the Giants is among the Mannerist frescoes that this artist created for the Palazzo del Te in Mantua.
ANSWER: Giulio Romano [or Giulio Romano or Giulio Pippi]
[10e] Giulio designed the Palazzo del Te for Federico II Gonzaga, who was also a patron of this artist of Sacred and Profane Love.
ANSWER: Titian [or Tiziano Vecellio or Tiziano Vecellio; or Titianus]
<BHSU, Painting and Sculpture>

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