
In 1967, Robert Kraichnan hypothesized an inverse form of this phenomenon in 2D turbulence. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this phenomenon, the transfer of energy between length scales. Kolmogorov formulated an isotropic statistical model of this phenomenon first proposed by Richardson.
ANSWER: energy cascade [or kinetic energy cascade; accept Kolmogorov cascade; accept Richardson cascade]
[10h] Kraichnan’s inverse cascade occurs due to the conservation of this quantity in 2D systems. In inviscid systems, this quantity is the integral of the square of the vorticity.
ANSWER: enstrophy
[10e] Kraichnan predicted an energy scaling proportional to this quantity raised to the negative five-thirds power, similar to the Kolmogorov case. This quantity symbolized k corresponds to spatial frequency.
ANSWER: wavenumber [or wavevector]
<DC, Physics>

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