
These images are cited in Rudolf Arnheim’s Visual Thinking, and serve as a visual analog of Ebbinghaus’s nonsense syllables in memory studies modeled on Gordon Bower’s. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name these puzzle comics by Roger Price consisting of very simple drawings with complicated descriptive titles like “Rich Sardine in Private Can” or “Ship Arriving Too Late to Save a Drowning Witch.”
ANSWER: droodles
[10m] Droodles exemplify the “visual riddles” theorized by Roger Abrahams, a scholar in this field. Much of the modern terminology of this field, like allomotif and motifeme, was coined by the scholar Alan Dundes.
ANSWER: folkloristics [or folklore studies; or folk life studies; accept word forms of folklore; prompt on tradition studies]
[10e] Roger Price also created Mad Libs with Leonard Stern while the pair worked for the first host of this show, Steve Allen. This show popularized Twister and caused a toilet paper shortage during one host’s 30-year tenure.
ANSWER: The Tonight Show [accept Tonight Starring Steve Allen or The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson]
<JMC, Other Culture>

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