
In February 2024, the US Office of the National Cyber Director advocated for the use of this memory-safe programming language over C and C++. For 10 points each:
[10e] Name this programming language whose creator team coined the term “fearless concurrency” to describe the inherent thread-safety of code written in it. This language uses the Cargo package manager to manage its crates.
[10m] When implementing concurrent code, Rustaceans commonly utilize Arc with these primitives. These primitives only allow the thread currently holding one to access its corresponding critical section.
ANSWER: mutexes [or mutual exclusion; accept lock; prompt on binary semaphore]
[10h] These synchronization primitives may be used alongside Arc and Mutex to allow for efficient waiting. Threads waiting on these variables may be awoken by calling functions like “notify_one” or “notify_all.”
ANSWER: condition variables [or condvars]
<DN, Other Science (Computer Science)>

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