
This field of economics is sometimes termed “reverse game theory” because of its outcome-orientated approach. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this field in which Clarke and Groves extended Vickrey’s auction model to create a method that, when quasilinear utility is present, can avoid the tragedy of the commons.
ANSWER: mechanism design [or MD]
[10h] This setting in mechanism design was introduced by Kamenica (“ka-men-EET-suh”) and Gentzkow. This model assumes the Sender has full commitment to its messaging strategy, in contrast to “cheap talk.”
ANSWER: Bayesian persuasion
[10e] Awad and Minaudier argue that this form of political activity is better served by cheap talk than Bayesian persuasion. The “revolving door” describes how former politicians often move into this role.
ANSWER: lobbying
<JG, Social Science>

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