
This concept names a logical paradox from Barbara Parteee, in which the formalization of its central argument is valid but its conclusion is nonsense. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this concept that, according to a 2004 book by Hasok Chang, attained its standard definition through a process of “epistemic iteration.”
ANSWER: temperature [accept Inventing Temperature]
[10e] Chang furthered his work on historical concept making in a book about the identification of this substance with its chemical makeup. A classic thought experiment asks whether it is legitimate to use this name for a substance whose formula is abbreviated “XYZ.”
ANSWER: water [accept Is Water H2O?]
[10m] In a paper on psychiatric diagnosis, Chang used the lenses of both epistemic iteration and this concept. Quine introduced the term for these sets whose members share a property found in the actual world.
ANSWER: natural kinds [prompt on kinds]
<JG, Philosophy>

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