
At the beginning of The Undying, Anne Boyer notes that an essay by Sustan Sontag never uses this word and “I” in the same sentence. For 10 points each:
[10e] Name this disease that afflicted Sontag, who analyzed social reactions to this disease and tuberculosis in the essay Illness as Metaphor.
ANSWER: cancer
[10m] This author recounted biopsies and X-rays in the letters to an unnamed lover that opened his book The Post Card. Cancer killed this man, who wrote about the multiple meanings of pharmakon.
ANSWER: Jacques Derrida
[10h] Gillian Rose recounted a fight between her two oncologists in this book she described as a “reckoning with life,” written while dying of cancer. This autobiography announces a desire to have “Miss Marple’s persona.”
ANSWER: Love’s Work
<JG, Philosophy>

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