
A quote from this thinker that translates as “And the soldiers lined the streets? THEY LINED THEM” ends the “Triumphal March” from Coriolan. T. E. Hulme and T. S. Eliot drew on the anti-Romanticism of this thinker’s essays like “The Future of the Intelligentsia.” A synthesis of this thinker’s work and the left-wing author of Reflections on Violence was propounded by the Proudhon Circle. This thinker exempted Jean Moréas (“mo-ray-OSS”), a fellow member of the anti-Symbolist école romane, from his attacks on a vague class of foreigners he dubbed métèques (“may-TECK”). Georges (*) Sorel (10[1])abandoned syndicalism for this man’s “integral nationalism.” (10[1])The Camelots (10[1])du Roi (10[1])were the youth wing of a group led by this man (10[1]-5[1])that spearheaded riots on February 6th, 1934, in response to Camille Chautemps’s cover-up of the Stavisky Affair. For 10 points, name this anti-Dreyfusard (10[1])who was the principal ideologue of the monarchist (10[1])Action Française movement. ■END■ (0[4])

ANSWER: Charles Maurras (“mo-ROSS”)
<AK, Other Academic>
= Average correct buzz position

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