
This essay mistakenly refers to the “Celtic conquerors of the Roman Empire” while defending Christianity from a quip about how “the darkness thickened with the progress of the light.” This essay laments that “our calculations have outrun conception” and calls its title concept “a sword of lightning, ever unsheathed, which consumes the scabbard that would contain it.” This essay’s author studied the Ion and Symposium while writing it according to a chapter on its author’s “platonism” in M. H. Abrams’s The (*) Mirror and (-5[1])the Lamp. This essay was written out of “sacred rage” at the description of an “Age of Brass” in a Thomas Peacock essay. This essay shares its (10[1])admiration of (10[1])Plato’s poetic skill with a similarly titled Philip Sidney essay. (10[3]-5[1])For 10 points, the declaration that “poets are (-5[1])the unacknowledged (-5[1])legislators (-5[1])of the world” (10[1])ends what essay by Percy Shelley? ■END■ (10[2]0[1])

ANSWER: “A Defence of Poetry
<AK, British Literature>
= Average correct buzz position

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