
Nathaniel Deutsch debunked a book claiming that this historical political territory was annually traversed in a triangular migration by a “tri-racial” group partly composed of Fulani pastoralists, the Ben-Ishmael tribe. This territory was seen as a testing ground for “ward republics” by a man who wanted to divide it into areas like Assenisipia and Metropotamia. Zane’s Trace (15[1])cut through this territory, where the “French 500” arrived to settle Gallipolis after William Duer sold them worthless deeds. A (*) university named for this territory created the title Dean of Women for the “do everything” activist Frances Willard. (10[1])This territory was (10[1])established (-5[1])by the successor to an act that created a survey system based on 6-mile-wide grids called townships. (-5[1])For 10 points, (-5[1])the formation of states in what territory (10[1])was governed by a namesake (10[1])act (10[1])passed after Thomas Jefferson’s Land (10[1]0[1])Ordinance? ■END■ (10[4])

ANSWER: Northwest Territory [or Old Northwest; accept Northwest Ordinance or Northwestern University; prompt on Ohio Lands or Indiana Territory by asking “what territory was that part of during the events clued?”; reject “Northwest Territories”] (The Ishmael family was cast as an Islamic “Fugitive ‘Nation’ of the Old Northwest” in a book by Hugo Prosper Leaming.)
<JB, American History>
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2024 Chicago Open07/28/2024Y1292%8%25%120.09