
In a story from Ling Ma’s collection Bliss Montage, the narrator reads a story by this author that reframes a passage from Mark Salzman’s Iron & Silk. In that story by this author, an author claims that the “favorite story she’s written” is a story she read about a Chinese student whose “happiest moment” was his wife eating duck in Beijing. This author used Philip Yorke’s letters about his Russian journey to construct the story “Lord Royston’s Tour” and reworked a French author’s letters into stories like “The Cook’s Lesson.” This author incorporated excerpts from (*) Shinichi Suzuki’s autobiography in a story (10[1])from her collection Break It Down. (10[1])A story by this author consists solely of James Boswell’s statement (10[1])that “Samuel Johnson (10[5])is indignant that Scotland has so few trees.” For 10 points, name this American author of flash fiction (10[1])and translator of (10[1])Swann’s Way (10[1])and Madame Bovary. ■END■ (0[3])

ANSWER: Lydia Davis (The Ling Ma story is “Peking Duck.”)
<CM, American Literature>
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