
The “care” taken by this entity is seen in a bubbling pot of soup in the “Circle and the Square” chapter of a book co-written by Richard Erdoes. The term “four times four” refers to this entity’s manifestations, (15[1])which include the four winds and all “two-leggeds.” This entity is beseeched “that the people may live” in a ritual preceded by the blowing of bone whistles and the cutting of a cottonwood tree. The task of “bringing the people back to” this entity is analogized to finding a “red road” in a book by (*) John Neihardt. A word meaning “to address a relative” refers to prayers to this “grandfather” entity, which may be accompanied by smudging and smoking of a chanupa pipe. The most common English name for this entity is a phrase also used to translate the concept of Gitche Manitou from Algonquian languages. For 10 points, Lame Deer and Black Elk were devotees of what ultimate divine principle in Lakota religion? ■END■

ANSWER: Wakan Tanka [accept Great Spirit, Great Mystery, or Great Mysterious; accept Wakhą́thą́ka, Wak‘ą́ T‘ą́ka, Wakȟáŋ Tȟáŋka, Woniya Tanka, or Wanagi Tanka; prompt on spirit or god; prompt on Škaŋ or Táku Škąšką́]
<JB, Religion>
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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Matt BollingerBHSU BLMM's LLM MLM3715


TournamentEditionExact Match?TUHConv. %Power %Neg %Average Buzz
2024 Chicago Open07/28/2024Y1100%100%0%37.00