
An opera house in this city staged a Parasite-inspired Rigoletto in 2022 starring Amartüvshin Enkhbat. The younger of two oboist brothers from this city wrote the opera Memet and 65 galant-style fast-slow-fast symphonies in early sonata form listed in the J-C catalog. While working on the opera Lucio Silla, a young Mozart composed six string quartets named for this city. (15[1])After a conductor was (-5[1])challenged to a duel for refusing to conduct an encore, he (*) banned them entirely at a venue in this city in 1921. (10[2])The (10[1])Sammartini (10[2])brothers worked in this city. (-5[1])Before her Met debut, (10[1])Leontyne (“LEE-un-teen”) Price became the first African-American to sing a leading role, Aida, at an opera house (10[1])in this city. Nabucco, (10[1])Falstaff, and Otello all premiered (10[1])at an opera house in this city whose upper balcony hosts opinionated snobs called loggionisti (“lodge-oh-NEE-stee”). For 10 points, Arturo Toscanini was the longtime music director of what city’s La Scala? ■END■ (10[3])

ANSWER: Milan [or Milano; accept Milanese Quartets]
<EF, Classical Music and Opera>
= Average correct buzz position

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