
A 5-minute recording by this musician adds 4-bar solo breaks before each chorus of a 12-bar blues, a technique this musician stretched out to 9 minutes at a concert in Denmark. A Danish bassist nicknamed “NHØP” (“N-hop”) often accompanied this musician, who mimicked the styles of peers like Erroll Garner in a 1979 TV interview with Dick (15[1])Cavett. (15[2])This musician (-5[1])performed hard-to-transcribe solos on live renditions of “Mirage” and “Boogie Blues Etude.” The drummer Ed Thigpen backed up this musician, bassist (*) Ray Brown, and guitarist Herb Ellis on songs like “Hymn to Freedom” and “C Jam (10[1])Blues” by this musician’s namesake (10[1])“trio.” This musician, who briefly quit playing as a child out of shock (10[1])at hearing Art Tatum’s skill, was nicknamed the “Maharaja of the Keyboard” by Duke (10[1])Ellington. For 10 points, the 1963 album Night Train is by what fast-fingered Canadian (10[1])jazz (10[1]-5[1])pianist? (10[1])■END■ (10[1]0[1])

ANSWER: Oscar Peterson [or Oscar Emmanuel Peterson]
<AP, Other Arts>
= Average correct buzz position

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