
The Talmud lists a mysterious “portion” about this character alongside Job and the Torah as the writings of Moses. In a thrice-repeated formula, this character orders a sacrifice of seven bulls and seven rams at seven altars. In an infamous inconsistency, God rages at this character for taking a journey just after commanding it. Aramaized fragments of a lost holy book about this character were found in red ink on plaster at Deir ‘Alla. This man is credited with the only Jewish prayer by a gentile, the (15[1])Ma Tovu, which begins, “How (*) lovely are your tents, (-5[1])O Jacob!” and is one of three blessings he recites while trying to issue curses on behalf (10[1])of the King (10[1])of Moab. (10[1])This (10[1])man thrice fails to see an angel blocking his path (10[1])in a story (10[1])that, apart from the serpent in Genesis, features the Bible’s only (10[1])talking animal. (10[3])For 10 points, (10[1])name this non-Israelite (10[1])prophet from Numbers who is rebuked by his donkey. ■END■

ANSWER: Balaam [or Balaam, Son of Beor; or Bīl‘am; accept Bal‘am bin Ba‘ura]
<JB, Religion>
= Average correct buzz position

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