
This artist adapted a portrait of his friend Bernard van Dieren into an anti-war depiction of The Risen Christ free from religious symbols. This artist complained when his alabaster depiction of Jacob and the Angel was acquired by Tussaud’s Waxworks rather than the Tate. Arthur Conan Doyle launched a petition to remove a memorial that this artist created depicting a bare-chested version of Rima the Bird Girl. This artist sparked protests with eighteen nudes he sculpted for niches (15[2])on the (*) BMA (-5[1])building on the Strand. This father-in-law of Lucian Freud (10[1])refused to attend (10[1])the unveiling of one of his works after Robert Ross (10[1])had a plaque placed over a set of very large testicles. General (10[1])Grievous resembles (10[1])a figure that this sculptor placed atop an industrial (10[1])tool. This artist sculpted a winged sphinx for the tomb of Oscar (10[1])Wilde. For 10 points, name this American-British sculptor of Rock Drill. ■END■ (10[1]0[2])

ANSWER: Jacob Epstein
<BHSU, Painting and Sculpture>
= Average correct buzz position

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